Sunday, April 19, 2009

Stuck in Truck Cab

I had grand plans for this overcast, humid spring day. I planned to drop my daughter off at her dance rehearsal come home and spend a couple of hours in the yard picking up debris from winter. But, NO! Someone had other plans for me. My two sons wouldn't or couldn't stop bickering which distracted their poor mother (aka ME!) so as we left for the rehearsal we left the dancing shoes behind - only to discover that we'd forgotten them half way to Fenton Lawn. OMightyG! spare me some mercy - puh-leeze!! After dropping my daughter off, my sons & I had to make another trip back home (approx. 20minute drive one-way). How ridiculous to spend 100minutes in the truck just driving to and from home! Grrrrrrrrrr!!

So, as punishment to the bickering boys, I dragged them to Kroger's to grocery shop. Haha! The ultimate in punshiment or so I thought. Oh, foolish mother, I am. The only torture that provided was to make me crazy watching them bump every shelf in nearly every aisle. Imagine if you will smushed bread, broken jars, evil eyed old woman glaring at me....OK! so it wasn't that bad!!! But, by the time the three kids and I returned home (4.5 hours later), I'd had enough of the constant chattering and the cooped cab; not to mention I was hungry!!!

Needless to say, I didn't accomplish my grand plans --but I did manage to rendezvous on Dort Hwy. to get 2 CM 8x10 photo albums, and grocery shop. Not bad for a day's work!!

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