Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Empowering Women

My Spring 2009 Ms. magazine arrived today. Most times it gets thrown into a pile of magazines that I have every intention of reading "someday". Due to an unforeseen chain of events, I opened my Ms. magazine in a timely fashion today. On page 11, I was surprised to see a list of deeds performed by President Obama. While I haven't paid much attention to his administration thus far, trying hard to ignore stories about his dog buying issues and not caring whether he gambled on the Super Bowl; it was almost laughable to me that the media hadn't covered this list. I peruse Yahoo News, news, NPR, The Flint Journal and am a member of Facebook and Twitter where postings and tweets are as varied as they get.

Why hadn't I seen this list? Is it because the media doesn't want to call attention to the changes or because it isn't seen as a positive change for the U.S.? I'm thankful to Ms. Magazine for sharing "The First 70 Days: Giant Strides for Women". Here's the list condensed:

  • Overturned "global gag rule"
  • Signed Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
  • Expanded gov't health insurance covering 11 million children
  • In the $787 billion economic stimulus package saved and created jobs held traditionally by women AND increased Medicaid, food stamps and unemployment benefits
  • Moved to rescind Bush's "conscience" clause which would allow health care workers the ability o deny patients abortions and birth control
  • Appointed 7...yes SEVEN women to Cabinet-level positions
  • Instituted a new ambassador-at-large for global women's issues
  • Lifted restrictions on stem cell research
  • Established the White House Council on Women and Girls
  • Restarted US contributions to the United Nations Population Fund
  • Reinstated low-cost birth control availability at college health centers and 400 clinics serving low-income women
  • Pledged to sign the U.N. declaration to decriminalize homosexuality
  • Announced the U.S. will seek a seat on the U.N. Human Rights Council

Amen to that President Obama!!! These are awesome changes that will provide better life situations for girls and women. Thank you for thinking of my daughter and yours!!

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